Soulful Saturdays

Summer Dates Now Available!

Sign Up Today!

Exchange: $111.00

“It was lovely meeting you and Dorothy at the Soulful Saturday session today. I can’t tell you how wonderful I feel after being with your lovely horses! It was an incredible experience.” 

October 21, 2023 participant

Horses are naturally intuitive, highly sensitive and spiritual animals who tune into our bodies on a physical, emotional and energetic level. They know where we are stuck and can help address these areas for us- without judgement.

Similar to Reiki, horses will be free to interact with you as you practice mindfulness, breathing and connection. They may touch you, position their bodies in a specific way or even hold space while you work through emotions in a safe space.

We invite you to come experience this type of wellness session for yourself!! No horse experience necessary.

Please dress for outdoor weather and wear closed toe shoes to participate!

Workshops are 2.5 hours in length. Limited to 8 participants/workshop.

Cost= $111/person