Corporate Leadership Development Workshops

Invest in your team!

What makes this workshop stand out?

Having honest, immediate and totally non-judgmental feedback, horses are a leveler that no human can match. They have no agenda, and know nothing about the office politics – they don’t know if you are a CEO or the intern.

Horses react to the real person.

Improve Communication

As prey animals, horses have incredibly astute senses and are highly sensitive to the energy, intention, actions and body language of humans. As such, horses can serve as a barometer for non-verbal communication, therefore helping the individual recognize how their non- verbal cues may be affecting their relationships with others.

Improve Leadership Skills

Through a series of group based activities with the horses, participants build greater awareness of themselves and their colleagues. As a result they improve communication and leadership skills, focus and motivation. Further developing emotional intelligence, self-confidence and self-awareness that lays the foundation for truly authentic leadership and effective teamwork.

Improve Focus & Motivation

Workshop Costs/Person

1/2 Day Package $2500.00 +GST (Max 10ppl)

Connect with Us!

To Inquire About A Workshop For Your Team..

Email Us: [email protected]

Phone Us: 1-(780)-289-7929

Inquiries will be responded to within 24 hours