About Us

Theresa Coombs was born with the “horse gene” and a natural desire to be around horses despite not growing up with them. It was through a unique and very generous opportunity in high school that she was able to start learning to ride and work with them.

After receiving her BScN in Nursing from the University of Alberta in 2010, Theresa went on to work in Emergency Departments throughout Alberta. She bought her first horse (Dakota) after graduation, and since then her herd has grown to include: Jack, Bonnie and most recently Sugar.

Theresa decided after several years that it was time to blend her passion for helping people and horses together in a unique way that made a real and lasting impact.

In March 2022, Theresa became certified as an EAL facilitator from Equine Connection- The Academy of Equine Assisted Learning INC near Calgary, AB.

Her home based business is family owned and operated, just outside Edmonton, AB.Through partnering with her horses, Theresa’s mission is to help empower others to focus on their own wellness through skill development and personal growth offerings.

“Learning begins once we step outside our comfort zone!”

My name is Dorothy Turek, and I am the head facilitator and owner
of Centaur Wellness: a company in the Edmonton region that helps
individuals and families gain the essential life skills to help them
with their lives working alongside the most amazing teachers,

In working with individuals, families and local organizations, I have
witnessed real growth and personal understanding. I’ve witnessed
women at risk develop self-acceptance, trust, leadership and
communication skills with positive and heartening results.

I was predestined to work with horses to help people when a few
years ago my teenage daughter experienced bullying within her
own sports team. During one of her riding lessons, a special horse
showed me his incredible power by absorbing her sadness and
anger rather than reacting to her intense feelings. I needed to
learn more about this amazing ability of horses to intuitively sense
what humans are feeling. I’ve always been drawn to helping people
to live their best lives and this is my gift to combine my experience
with horses and helping humans.